Ed Perper, MD

"I love transforming complex and often incomprehensible science into engaging visual stories and medical animations that people can understand and truly appreciate. It can make the difference between simply educating an audience and inspiring an audience."

Contact Ed

Ed is a cardiovascular specialist, with three decades of scientific and medical education communications experience in oncology, neurology, diabetes, obesity, vaccines, and ophthalmology.


Ed approaches every project by imagining himself in the shoes of the intended audience. What do they know? What do they care about? How much time do they have to listen? What are they likely to be skeptical about? This is the beginning of crafting scientific communication programs that are deeply understood by the audience and inspire them to believe and act in new ways.


Ed is a physician who practiced noninvasive and interventional cardiology for 12 years in Cape Cod Massachusetts. He founded several medical communication agencies, where he developed dozens of scientific stories ranging from disease state and product mechanism of action to clinical efficacy and safety narratives for pharmaceutical, medical device, and academic centers. He also founded a 3D medical animation company, designing and producing more than 100 medical animation videos. Ed received his MD from Harvard Medical School and did internal medicine training at Beth Israel-Deaconess Hospital in Boston, and cardiovascular training at Stanford University Medical Center.

Special Interests

Ed enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter in southern California and plays tennis regularly. He loves movies, philosophy, animation, and experimenting with AI tools. He is also writing a book about the relationship between Happiness and Unhappiness.