Jack Villott

"You can be a great starter. You can be a great finisher. What you do in between is where you’ll produce your desired results."

Contact Jack

With over 25 years of experience, Jack’s extensive knowledge in the latest video, post-production, and online tools allows 3D Communications to offer clients a variety of video and online training tools for both internal teams and external outreach. He’s recognized for his preparation, design and editing skills, and problem-solving.


Jack’s approach to any task is asking how to make the process more efficient. Whether it’s creating graphics, editing and rendering video, or supporting the production team, processes and backup plans are in place.


In addition to his 25+ years in video production and training, Jack has provided production support for over 200 mock FDA meetings and helped develop tools to streamline the process. In addition, he has customized dozens of training videos for 3D’s clients.

Special Interests

Jack offers his talents providing video and graphic support for fundraising events. He also combines his desire for wellness and cycling by supporting the MS150 in New Bern – he has competed in the event six times and continues to provide support to other competitors.