Penny Daniels, MS

“My power lies in bringing out the best in my clients as communicators and leaders. Whatever their goal—to give the speech of a lifetime, to develop, launch, and nurture an innovative product or initiative, to inspire and motivate a team or entire company—as a writer and coach, I am driven to see them succeed.”

Contact Penny

Penny empowers healthcare executives to communicate as leaders in high-stakes, high-pressure environments. A former major-market TV newscaster, she is recognized as an expert speechwriter and coach for top executives, with a journalist’s eye for identifying the essential elements of an interesting story and knowing how to weave them together in the most compelling way.


Penny’s trademark approach is highly collaborative, inquisitive, and analytical. She connects with her clients on a deeper level, identifying barriers to effective communication, pinpointing client goals, probing for information that will move their audiences to action, and coaching clients to manifest their own leadership and confident communications styles.


Penny spent 20 years as a TV news anchor and reporter in New York, Chicago, Washington, DC, and Miami. She uses her extensive reporting, research, and writing experience to create compelling speeches and presentations and get clients ready for challenging questions from important audiences. Penny has a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.

Special Interests

Penny is obsessed with the power of words to affect positive change. She served as co-chair of 3D’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiative, and has been honored to work with numerous nonprofit organizations as clients. Penny is also an author and is currently working on a historical novel about an Afro-American couple who were famous musicians in the early 1900s. She reads voraciously, goes to the theater as often as possible, and is immensely proud of her daughters who advocate for social justice causes.