Rachael Roehrig, PhD

"Being critical of yourself and your work is the first step to effectively communicating complex scientific information in a way that others can understand."

Contact Rachael

Rachael is an accomplished scientific lead with more than 15 years of experience at 3D Communications, helping clients successfully prepare for FDA regulatory submissions, interactions, and Advisory Committee meetings. She is recognized for her ability to guide clients through challenging regulatory hurdles, help them articulate complex data, and develop strategies that drive regulatory success.


As a former college instructor of quantum chemistry, Rachael can translate complex data and information into simple yet scientifically robust concepts. She works closely with clients to help them “think outside the box” when preparing for regulatory milestones – anticipating and asking the most challenging questions to team members closest to the data. She is dedicated to becoming fully integrated with the client team and rolls up her sleeves to accomplish any task.


Prior to joining 3D, Rachael held several roles at the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), where she became an expert in the science and regulation of over-the-counter switch products. Most notably, she was director of technical and scientific affairs at CHPA and served as the liaison to the FDA, the International Conference for Harmonisation, and the United States Pharmacopeial Convention. During her time at CHPA, she prepared for multiple Advisory Committee meetings as the sponsor and presented on behalf of the industry. She also served as an adjunct professor of chemistry at Stevenson University, teaching physical and quantum chemistry and general chemistry. She holds an undergraduate degree in chemistry from James Madison University and a doctorate in chemistry from Johns Hopkins, where she studied photophysical inorganic chemistry applied to molecular cardiobiology.

Special Interests

Rachael is dedicated to bettering the lives of children. She serves on the James Madison University Executive Advisory Council for the STEM Colleges. In her spare time, she enjoys painting and drawing, exercising, and volunteering at the local elementary school performing science experiments.