Shoshana Leventhal

“I am very proud that my work helps 3D clients, key opinion leaders, scientists, and communications professionals do their jobs well. The more accurate and exacting I am, the better they can be.”

Contact Shoshana

Shoshana supports the team that develops and maintains 3D databases, such as KOLLEAD and International KOLLEAD, and helps to produce ADCOM RADAR and other reports for clients. Her responsibilities include research, data entry, transcript review, formatting, copy editing, and writing.


Shoshana loves nothing more than “doing things the right way,” according to industry standards and 3D proven processes; in doing so she equips 3D scientists and communications professionals with the tools they need to serve clients. Shoshana also brings strong writing, interpersonal and problem-solving skills, intellectual curiosity, and creativity to her work at 3D.


Shoshana attributes her research, analytical, and critical thinking skills to the four years she spent earning the International Baccalaureate Diploma in high school. This prestigious program well-prepared her for college and the professional world. Before joining 3D, Shoshana worked as a sound engineer in a music studio and as a barista. Both positions helped hone her hands-on perfectionism and passion for excellence, qualities highly valued by her colleagues at 3D.

Special Interests

Shoshana is strongly committed to diversity, inclusion, and social justice. She spent a gap year between high school and college volunteering as a tutor and mentor with at-risk children in Baltimore. Shoshana enjoys listening to music and podcasts, hanging out with her sisters, running, cooking, and her Jewish faith.