Virginia Cox, JD

"Complex communications require a critical eye and sound advice – and there is nothing more rewarding than helping clients turn communications challenges into successful outcomes."

Contact Virginia

Virginia has spent more than 30 years in healthcare communications, including at the highest levels of government. She brings a unique blend of strategic communications skills, health policy background, and firsthand FDA regulatory experience to all her clients.


Virginia helps clients embrace any communications challenge – no matter how complex and complicated – and turn it into an opportunity to deliver a compelling story. Her years of experience at the FDA and US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), combined with her background in law, enable her to approach any healthcare communications challenge with a critical eye and sound advice. Since joining 3D Communications, she has helped clients prepare for more than 100 FDA Advisory Panel meetings and submissions, as well as numerous CHMP meetings.


Prior to rejoining 3D Communications, Virginia was the highest-ranking communications officer at the US FDA. As associate commissioner for the Office of External Affairs, she provided strategic leadership and communications oversight to a wide range of agency activities. She also served as a special assistant to the secretary of the US DHHS, and as the FDA commissioner’s director of outreach and strategic initiatives. Before working at the FDA, Virginia worked at 3D Communications and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, where she was senior vice president for communications and strategic initiatives. She received an undergraduate degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a law degree from Georgetown Law, and is a member of the Maryland Bar Association.

Special interests

Virginia supports numerous charities for cancer research, ending childhood hunger, rescuing animals, and preserving the environment. As a mother of two competitive athletes, she spends most of her free time on the ski slopes or the side of a soccer field. A perfect day includes skiing with her family, hiking with her dog, and cooking with her husband.