Setting Up An Association President To Be A Virtual "Overnight" Sensation
by Penny Daniels

One of the largest medical associations in the world had to transform its annual conference into a virtual one overnight. That meant the highly anticipated opening Presidential Address to tens of thousands of attendees had to be videotaped. The president had to be as dynamic virtually as in person – and set the tone for the entire conference. He turned to 3D.
3D used our unique speechwriting and coaching processes to create a powerful presentation focused on creating a connection between the president and his virtual audience. Working closely with him and his communications team, we wove together scientific data and patient and physician interviews to create a meaningful narrative. Visually, we created an impactful montage of words and photos to draw the audience in. We leveraged our remote coach technology to ensure the president delivered authentically and with conviction.
Social media immediately lit up with quotes from the president’s opening speech and with positive accolades. People specifically called out:
“Incredible opening session.”
“Inspirational…informative and engaging.”
“Would have gotten a standing ovation.”
The association’s reputation was further enhanced – even under the extraordinary circumstance of its first-ever virtual conference. In fact, the association said it was the best conference they ever held.