All regulatory communications have data.
Successful communications have a story.

Work with 3D to get your story straight from the start.

Deliver a strong scientific story and win at your FDA ADCOM.


Prepare with a practical, proven process—tailored to your needs.
Use tools and technology to simplify your science.
Communicate effectively, withstand FDA scrutiny, achieve success.

That’s where 3D comes in. 3D helps you 

  • Analyze meeting participants to anticipate issues, concerns, and questions.

  • Develop compelling messages, clear slides, and credible responses that you can deliver with confidence.

  • Test and refine your content and delivery with realistic mock rehearsals.

We work with you to ensure you have what it takes to succeed at your advisory committee meeting.

“3D’s team and preparation process have been instrumental in our repeated success at FDA advisory committee meetings. We wouldn’t go to ADCOM without them!” 

Stephanie DeChairo
Project Vice President
Novo Nordisk


ADCOMs = Advisory Committee Meetings

Regulatory Communications at Your Fingertips

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Preparing for an AOM?

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